Quick view Ikohe Belt Sander Compact size for Jewelers Bench with 5 Ruby Belts 1" wide MSRP: Was: Now: $224.50 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Ikohe Belt Sander Compact size for Jewelers Bench with 5 Ruby Belts 1" wide Free Shipping Belt sanders are great tools to have in the workshop, speeding up grinding and finishing jobs while allowing you to use both hands so flat surfaces are easy to achieve. This Ikohe belt sander is a compact bench scale design small enough... MSRP: Was: Now: $224.50 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Magnetic Tumbler Pin Finisher "Multi-Mag" Progress Polisher 1HP Speed Control Magnetic Tumblers are very effective an automated way to pre-polish and depending on the piece polish to a bright finish especially the undersides of rings, filigree design and prongs, channels and other hard to reach places that take extensive time and... Compare